Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Gentille Sorciere - Kind witch

This is my first attempt - a gentille sorciere or kind witch, she is for my beautiful grandaughter, Evie who will be 4 tomorrow.  This witch has her hand over her mouth so Evie will be able to tell her all her secrets or worries and know that they will go no further!!  Been shopping to Limoges today to buy more 'stuff' - gonna have a go at a Christmas present for her, which will be Father & Mother Christmas and their two children.  I hope they will be displayed for many a Christmas to come and she will be able to tell her grandchildren that her grandma made them for her (mind you they might look so rubbish they will stay in their box!! Watch this space for pictures).  However the next creation will be a wall hanging for a friend in New Zealand who is expecting a little girl tomorrow (best get cracking!!)  Just checked my facebook page where I have also posted the photo and I have orders coming in - Help!!


  1. Lovely doll.
    You have done a real good job with your magic powers!!
    Have a good trip back to England

  2. Hi Mary,
    Thanks for the lovely comment you left on my blog.
    Your Tilda witch turned out great! I think your little grand daughter is going to love her.
    Good luck with your new blog. You are already off to a great start and I look forward to reading about your adventures in France and to some yummy recipes.
    Margaret x
